
A refund is the difference of the amount the student paid to the school and the amount the school can retain as prescribed by the appropriate refund policy. 

Any monies due to the applicant or student will be refunded within 30 days of cancellation.  Failure to appear on or before the first day of class, withdrawal, or termination may also result in a refund.

If the student has financed all or part of the program with a third-party or government fund, refunds will be paid or credited to the student’s account. 

The student is responsible for notifying the loan institution of their withdrawal. 

The loan is the same as any other loan and the student has full responsibility for managing the loan and its repayment.  Refund computation will be based on the last date of attendance. 

UEMBCO can remind the student of their date of withdrawal from the written request made by the student. 

In case of prolonged illness or accident, death in family, or other circumstances that make it impractical to complete the program, the school will make settlement that is reasonable and fair to both parties. 

Refunds for the students by the school will be computed as follows with the exception of the application and registration fees:

Time of Withdrawal                                          Amount Student Pays

During the first week of program –              100% of application /registration fee

After the 1st week but before the 1st –            20% of the total tuition price, plus 100%
Three weeks of program are completed- of application /registration fee

After 1st Three weeks but before 25% –         45% of the total tuition price, plus 100%
of the program is completed                         application /registration fee

After 25% but before 50% of program-        75% of total tuition price, plus 100%
is completed                                                        application /registration fee

After 50% of the program is completed-      100% of total tuition price, plus 100%              
                                                                                 application /registration fee

Need help?

Contact us at [email protected] for questions related to refunds and returns.